Connecticut Lake Community
Partner Organizations
The DEEP is the State agency responsible for our inland lakes. Their website is a great resource for their activities. Click on the image above to visit their website.
CARING FOR OUR LAKES: Watershed and In-lake Management for Connecticut Lakes
This book, published by the CT DEEP, gives an overview of watershed and in-lake management methods. Download the book here.
Invasive Investigator
The mission of The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station is to develop, advance, and disseminate scientific knowledge, improve agricultural productivity and environmental quality, protect plants, and enhance human health and well-being through research for the benefit of Connecticut residents and the nation. Click on the image above to visit their website.
AIS Program
Eastern CT Conservation District
Non-profit organization that serve municipalities and residents by providing technical services and education.
Promote conservation and sound use of local resources.
Provide technical services to municipalities and citizens.
Promote a conservation ethic and environmental stewardship through a wide variety of educational programs.
Work with many groups to achieve sound land use planning to preserve our fragile soil and water, forest and wildlife.
Watershed Management
The New England Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society (NEC-NALMS) is the only region wide organization addressing lake and lake watershed issues. Chartered in 1993, our purpose is to promote improved understanding of lakes, ponds, reservoirs and impoundments, and their watersheds; the ecosystem of which they are a part. Click on the image above to visit their website.
Secchi Dip In
Lakes Appreciation Month
The United States Environmental Protection Agency is
Rivers Alliance of CT
Connecticut's United Voice for River Conservation
Our mission is to protect all the waters of Connecticut: surface waters, aquifers, and wetlands. We promote and support good water policies statewide; we assist environmental groups, businesses, and individuals who seek to improve the quality of local waters. We offer educational services for experts and beginners alike.
CT Water Trails
Know Your Flow
Watershed Conservation Network
Watershed Assitance Small Grants
Northwest CT Conservation District
Today, the Northwest Conservation District (NWCD) works with our 34 local communities on conservation challenges such as:
Drinking Water and Aquifer Protection
Wetland Protection and Restoration
Aquatic Resource Protection through Low Impact Development (LID) Measures
Open Space and Farmland Preservation
Sustainable Land Care and Land Use
CT Lakes & Lake Association
We will be building this area as we obtain information. The goal is to list as many lake/ lake organization as possible. Along with the name, we will offer the mission statement of any organizations and provide a link to any applicable websites or contact information.
If your lake and /or organization is not listed, feel free to send your mission statement and website or contact information to [email protected] to expedite inclusion on the list.
Bantam Lake
Bantam Lake Protective Association
The Bantam Lake Protective Association, Inc. is a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to the preservation of Bantam Lake and its surroundings. Working with the Town of Morris, The White Memorial Foundation, DEEP, and the Torrington Area Health Department we strive to maintain the highest practical water quality for swimming, fishing, boating, and water and ice sports.
Bashan Lake
Bashan Lake Association
Bolton Lakes (Upper, Middle, Lower)
Friends of Bolton Lakes
Candlewood Lake
Candlewood Lake Authority
The Candlewood Lake Authority provides lake, shoreline and watershed management to foster the preservation and enhancement of recreational, economic, scenic, public safety and environmental values of the Lake for the City of Danbury and the Towns of Brookfield, New Fairfield, New Milford and Sherman in cooperation with the State of Connecticut and the hydro power owner of the lake
Crystal Lake, Ellington
Crystal Lake Association
Our Mission to inform everyone of the issues and news pertaining to Crystal Lake and the surrounding watershed. Our Purpose as the Crystal Lake Association is to preserve, protect and improve Crystal Lake and its surrounding area, and to promote the general welfare of the property, its owners and residents and future generations.
Fox Hill Lake
Fox Hill Lake Association
The Fox Hill Lake Association is a 501(c)7 non-profit that was established in 1951. The purpose of our association is to maintain an adequate program to control aquatic weeds and to maintain the beaches of Fox Hill Lake so that its members may enjoy boating and scenic beauty under the best environmental conditions. In addition, the association and its members shall be aware of potential environmental problems such as improperly operating septic systems, fertilizers, and other man-made hazards which may negatively impact the health of the lake. The association, on behalf of its members, works with state and local officials to minimize the effect of such hazards on the lake.
Gardner Lake
Gardner Lake Authority
Highland Land
Highland Lake Watershed Association
The Highland Lake Watershed Association, Inc. is a voluntary organization made up of residents and friends of Highland Lake. The origins of HLWA began in 1959 when a group of lake residents became concerned about control of the lake water level. HLWA became incorporated in 1993 and is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Our members look to us for collaborative and effective solutions for the preservation of the lake and watershed to make a positive difference in the lake water quality. HLWA is able to do this because of the dedication of time and effort of our volunteers and the dues and donations of our members and friends.
Hitchcock Lake
Hitchcock Lake Improvement
The Hitchcock Lakes are located on Southington Mountain in Wolcott, Connecticut. This private lake community is home to approximately 350 families. The lake property is owned by the Wolcott Land Conservation Trust and managed by the Hitchcock Lake Improvement Association. The purposes of The Hitchcock Lake Improvement Association (HLIA) are to: Preserve and enhance the natural environment and recreational value of Hitchcock Lake (the “lake”) and its habitats. Provide safety policies for all lake activities, including compliance with safe boating and water laws and regulations in accordance with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Maintain a close relationship with the town of Wolcott and the Wolcott Land Conservation Trust, Inc. (“WLCT”) regarding lake management. Inform Wolcott residents and HLIA members on pertinent lake issues, and sponsor activities for residents of the lake to promote a sense of community, cooperation and support for the lake and its environmental quality. Raise revenue to accomplish these purposes.
Lake Hayward
Property Owners Association of Lake Hayward
Lake Lillinonah
Friends of the Lake
Friends of the lake is a non-profit organization founded in 2003 to improve the conditions on Lake Lillinonah for the recreational enjoyment for those who use it, and for the long-term environmental protection of this beautiful section of the Housatonic River. Friends of the Lake works closely with the Lake Lillinonah Authority, First Light Power, the CT Department of Environmental Protection, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, elected officials, members, residents and other groups to reduce the debris and pollution of Lake Lillinonah. We will work to increase public awareness, develop a closer lake community, foster stewardship of the Lake, and obtain funding for a variety of projects in the pursuit of this objective.
Lake Lillinonah Authority
The Lake Lillinonah Authority is funded by the towns of Bridgewater, Brookfield, New Milford, Newtown, Southbury, and Roxbury to oversee the environmental, safety, and recreational needs of Lake Lillinonah.
Lake Waramaug
Lake Waramaug Task Force
The Lake Waramaug Task Force is a non-profit organization of volunteers and scientists that provides leadership in restoring and maintaining the ecology and water quality of Lake Waramaug and its watershed. Their director is a CFL Board member and certified planner in the State of Connecticut. The mission of the Task Force is to work with leading lake scientists to conduct research toward the best possible restoration and management solutions; operate three in-lake restoration systems which restore the natural balance of the lake's ecosystem by removing or isolating harmful nutrients; and by improving the habitat for cold water fish and beneficial zooplankton; and prevent invasive aquatic species from entering the lake under a comprehensive inspection, monitoring, education and emergency-response program.
Lake Williams
Friends of Lake Williams
Lantern Hill Valley Alliance
Long Pond & Bush Pond
The Lantern Hill Valley Association was formed as a grassroots community group in 1973 to preserve the dams and waters of Long and Bush Ponds, which benefit all living creatures that rely on them. These lakes in Ledyard and North Stonington connect through a culvert. Our volunteer-driven organization actively addresses the challenges the lakes face due to human and environmental pressures over the years. In 2024, the membership voted to modify our name to the Lantern Hill Valley Alliance. The Lantern Hill Valley Alliance is now a recognized 501(c)(3), a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization.
Pameacha Pond
Friends of Pameacha Pond-Long Hill Brook, Inc
Pameacha Pond is a water body of historic, ecological and recreational value in the heart of Middletown. It is part of the Long Hill Brook watershed, and evidence of its existence and use by humans goes back hundreds of years. Friends of Pameacha Pond-Long Hill Brook was formed in 2023 to help protect the pond and improve the quality of the watershed by: Promoting actions that improve and protect water quality, ecological integrity, wildlife habitat, recreation, and aesthetic values of the pond and the Long Hill Brook watershed through education, advocacy and collaboration with other entities Educating the public about the pond’s history and wildlife Supporting initiatives that provide safe access for public recreation and enjoyment Advocating for the pond to be maintained as public property by the City of Middletown and protected for future generations Promote dam management that will support these goals.
Quaddick Lake
Quaddick Lake Association
The Quaddick Lake Association was formed in 1980 to address the needs of the homeowners and residents of the lake as well as others who enjoy Quaddick Lake's tree-lined views, swimming in its cool reservoir and boating & fishing on its nearly 2 miles of open water. The Association is a non-profit organization that obtains its operating budget through membership dues. This budget is supplemented with member donations and project specific grants from organizations, like the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Thompson, aimed at improving the environment and quality of life in the entire lake.
Twin Lakes
Twin Lakes Association
Caring for the Twin Lakes of Salisbury, Connecticut for more than a century. The Twin Lakes Association is a volunteer non-profit committed to the ongoing health and vitality of the Twin Lakes and surrounding area. Our Mission is to preserve and enhance the general welfare, the natural resources, the environment and attractions, and the quality and ecology of the Twin Lakes area in the Town of Salisbury and promote the civic, social and recreational activities of its residents.
West Side Pond
Friends of West Side Pond
Friends of West Side Pond, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable non- profit corporation incorporated in the State of Connecticut in 2016. Our mission is to preserve and enhance the environmental and recreational value of West Side Pond in Goshen, Connecticut for all of its users and the generations to come. We do this through education, research, monitoring, and remediation
Woodridge Lake
Woodridge Lake Association